Javajune's Blog

Someone once said… “Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”

I May Be Joining a Cult

Junie takes a deep breath and stretches out on her sofa, The Velvet Lady, to let you in on a little secret. I have a confession to make and thought I would do it today in case you never hear from me again.

I have decided to attend a seminar this weekend and I’m a little nervous about it. The premise for this workshop is based on the movie The secret.  I saw an add for it one day after the Oprah show. Oprah and many other Hollywood celebs are into the teachings from the secret. The secret is really just the principles from “The Laws of Attraction” which states that the thoughts you put out as energy attract those very things back  into your life. Many people who follow The Laws of Attraction use vision boards and other things to help them. I already have a vision board and follow some of  the basic principles.


But I’m a little nervous about going to this workshop and amercing myself into this concept. I am kind of easy and that scares me- a lot. I’m a bit of a free-spirit that doesn’t always look both ways before she cross the street.  I don’t want to become part of a cult or be brainwashed, even if this cult includes some very cool people like Oprah and Jenny McCarthy.img_0572-3 Don’t worry I’m not going to shave my head. The whole new-wave concept is kind of a hippie chick or gypsy girl kind of thing.  I am kind of a hippie,  maybe more like gypsy, sort of girl. Minus the whole pot-smoking nudity thing. I don’t need my head any further into the clouds than it already is and I get cold very easily.

Once again this crazy girl is trying something out of the ordinary and managed to talk a few people into going along. For some reason I have an easy time convincing people to follow me even after the many scary situations I’ve led them to, in the past. I am a little nervous about the workshop but I’m also very excited.  I’ve done my homework and I have my homemade journal (pictured above) all ready to take notes.  When I get back I’ll give you all a little update unless I’ve been reloacted to a desolate ranch out west or better yet some Hollywood mansion (at least they’d have internet access). If I make it back I will let you in on The Secret.   Below is a little youtube clip from the movie The Secret.


January 23, 2009 Posted by | confessions, me | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments