Javajune's Blog

Someone once said… “Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”

Nature girl’s creative soul


I keep an old wooden tool box full of little treasures collected during my nightly nature walks or momentous from various trips. It holds such things as wispy feathers, intricate sea shells, amazing bird nests and smooth worry stones. I am continually amazed by the things that are created in nature, the birds, the ocean, the earth- how do they weave such intricately beautiful things that perform the job so perfectly?  I have a need to feel connected with earthy things.. During the long days of winter I crave tiny seeds, black soil, green shoots and blue skies.


Fall is moving in like a whisper. It’s creeps through my window at night and then slowly dissaptes in the morning light. The sun chases away the cool air and makes everything seem okay no matter my worries or the weather. When I was young I never wanted the days to end or the sun to go down. It always seemed like an ending to something- I hate endings. Now that I’m older I still don’t like endings or good-byes but I’m much more content with the night.


I have mixed feelings about fall, love the rich colors, the full moon, the harvest and the feelings of new school clothes and meeting new friends. No matter how old I get that new school year feeling lies just beneath the surface. Fall also brings on a little sadness- death to my garden and the lush green forest, knowing that the winter cold is lurking on the horizon.  Summer fades away quietly as the earth naps briefly, well not so briefly here in Michigan.For now lets focus on the comfy colors of fall and dance just a little beneath tonight’s full moon. It’s Friday and the start of a long weekend- happy labor day to all. 

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September 4, 2009 Posted by | me, photography, rants | , , , , , , , | 4 Comments