Javajune's Blog

Someone once said… “Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”

Little words- big message


Several years ago on a warm and sunny fall day, I came across a deserted beach along lake Superior.  As I walked along the shore with my collecting bucket (to gather smooth lake/worry stones) I noticed something very unusual; every few feet there was a word or saying painted on the rocks- things like be happy, smile, don’t judge, love, etc. I instantly smiled because some soulful spirit had left a beautiful message behind just for me. What a perfect way to connect with someone you will most likely never meet. If you think about it we connect with each other all the time by what we leave behind, sometimes it intentional, sometimes it’s not.

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Since that day I have shared a little found words with strangers from time to time. The dry river bed that runs through my garden harbors a few such messages as it twists and turns between the plants. Every once in a while I pack up a rock or two and leave them along an out of the way path so someone else can experience the unexpected joy that I did on that perfect fall day along the beach.


Some day as you’re walking along life’s path you may come across a smooth stone with a positive message that was left by me for you to find. Now that would be amazing!  I love the opportunity to make a stranger smile.

“Every day your life changes just a little- make it a positive change!”


September 8, 2009 Posted by | Hello Miss Manners, me | , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments